As promised here's another picture of a work in progress. Thwe coming few weeks will show whether it is a WIP or a WISP. Hope you enjoy what is machine embroidering on hand dyed silk using polyester, silk and cotton embroidery threads.
Love these colors and the shapes are so delicate. When you see it enlarged it is truly amazing...the stitching is fabulous is so aptly named !ktj
Love these colors and the shapes are so delicate. When you see it enlarged it is truly amazing...the stitching is fabulous is so aptly named !ktj
Ktj's correct. You need to see the enlarged photo, which is fabulous.
Beautiful, Maria
I just love your blog and your creativity. I wish I could let go and do such as you, but I live such an ordered life, gggg.
Gorgeous work Maria.
Do you still sell the undyed silk ribbon? I have lost your email address.
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