
Friday, November 23, 2007

Neptune's Garden 2

As promised here's another picture of a work in progress. Thwe coming few weeks will show whether it is a WIP or a WISP. Hope you enjoy what is machine embroidering on hand dyed silk using polyester, silk and cotton embroidery threads.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Neptune's Garden

My workshop with Ken Smith w sas sheer delight. I learnt so much. I have scanned several of my pieces and hope to add more over the weekend.

I have finished one block completely and a second one is well on the way. The work was enjoyable, the company delightful and the feedback on the standard achieved was flattering. I hope to finish my blocks and combine them with earlier ones to work the into a wall hanging or maybe a throw for my bed. I am not parting with this unless the price is right!